Here at Oakland Presbyterian Church, we desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus to one another and to our community. Through our various ministries, we support and minister to all ages and stages of life. We invite you to explore our options and consider where you can bless and be blessed!
We keep our young folks engaged with programs for all ages. Kids Church, Student Fellowship, Children's Choir, Summer Camps, VBS, Scouting....the list goes on. Come and get your littles connected in their local church community! Click Here to Learn More

Our Men's Prayer Breakfast fosters community and fellowship among the men in our church and town, every Tuesday morning at 7 a.m. Come and join us for a hearty meal and time for prayer and friendship!

We offer Women's bible studies through Presbyterian Women. Other opportunities include our Mission Crafters: a sewing/knitting club that meets on Monday mornings, Mah Jongg players on Thursday nights, a once monthly Ladies' Lunch and an annual Ladies' Tea. Check our events calendar to confirm a meeting time or give the church a call!

Celebrate Recovery: a Christ-Centered, 12 step recovery program for adults struggling with hurts, hang-ups, or habits of any kind including grief, abuse, codependence, divorce, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, sexual addiction, chronic health issues, food addiction…If you're over 18 and not yet perfect, Celebrate Recovery is for you! Sundays at 7 pm in the CLC.

From our contemporary praise team to traditional choir, children's choir and handbells, our music is a rich tradition at Oakland Pres. If you sing or play and instrument, we will find a place for you! We also host the YCM Band: a free concert band program for homeschoolers in the Central Florida area...check out our kids' page for more!

Missions &
Oakland Presbyterian Church Mission Committees coordinate our own mission projects and partner with almost a dozen local and global ministries to carry out the work of the gospel. Learn more about our missions and mission partners here.

We host Scout Troop 145, providing space for den and troop meetings, campouts, and events. Check out Troop 145 for more information!
We host Scout Troop 145, providing space for den and troop meetings, campouts, and events. Check out Troop 145 for more information!